The word concensous has become very popular in Nepalese politics . From the top leader of seven political parties to the general worker of the local level every one use the word concensous whether in political work, social work or even the personal affairs of the individual . From the 12 point agreement to the comprehensive peace Accord signed by the seven alliance and NCP Maoist or between the CPN Maoist and the Nepal government commitment has been done to work in consensus. Even in the Interim constitution of 2063 not only the executive, Legislative has to work in consensus but even the policy of the Nepal government will be framed in the consensus of seven alliances. Thus concensous has brcome the norms of work of every Nepalese citizen and rooted in the mind of Nepalese people. The goal of the people uprising of 2063 was not to make the seven party leaders all in all. It does not mean that seven leader are all in all. The goal of the people’s movement is to make the people supreme. For that purpose the election of constituent assembly was given priority. But unfortunately it has been postponed for three times in the name of consensus of seven top leaders. As the consensus must have to hold the election. On the contrary it was misused and done to postponed the election for three times against the will of people. Consensus has been defined and used according to the interest of seven political parties. The leader of seven political parties defined this according to there personal interest. Now this term has been turn into presser politics. The among the seven political parties was to hold CA election on fix date. But it was not done. In spite of holding the election, NCP Maoist put presser to six parties and declared 22 points agenda for the agitation before the date of election. It gave presser to seven alliances and the government .Thus the election was postponed in their presser. Similarly one senior minister of uml told in one electronic media Nc has not understand the world and sprit of. The interference of the prime minister to different ministry and minister hold by other alliance has not made minister free to work in there ministries. That is on the contrary to the spirit of consensus according to them. The minister representing to UML means that consensus means they should be given autonomy. There should be no interference by the prime minister in their work. They should be free to work in their ministries. Even the peon either has to leave the ministry if he has the sympathy to other ideology or he has to take the membership to the respective communist party who hold the respective ministries. Thus they want to make the ministry as their party headquarter and run the ministry personally as they like. This is a how the communist minister and the communist leader representing seven alliance understand the meaning and sprit of consensus. The deliberation of the cpm uml general secretary Madhav K Nepal also is interesting in this contest . He told the press that he has given the last chance to GP koirala to hold the election in Chaitra at his request . Does he means that GP koirala can form unanimous NC government . This kinds of irresponsible deliberation of the cpm UML leader creates the misunderstanding among the alliance . This is how the uml leader understand the spirit of consensus . But the sprit of consensus is that the veto remains in seven political leader representing seven political parties . The ministries which parties represent here dose not have any meaning . Every minister which party he may belong has to work in the interest of seven party alliances. If one leader disagree to anything that can not be done. Because Consensus mean unanimity of voice in seven parties. But what is happening here in Nepalese politics that seven parties are using this principle as presser strategies even though they are just the care taker in the interiam system of the country. Though the think that they are all in all in the country . But the already make decision about the election process and the political system. Is trying to be change in the presser CPN Maoist is recent example of resent politics. When the date of election has already been fixed by the consensus of seven political parties and election was about to held , the cpn Maoist declare the agitation and told the people that unless the election process has been changed and made full proportional representation they will not participate in the election . From that day on they are trying to bring the other parties in there fold . The statesy of Maoist is to capture the power by hook or crook. But if they join the election it will be impossible for them to win even one seat front a single constituency. So they do not want the mixed election system. One senior leader of the Maoist party told that Maoist won’t participate the election which they will not win. One of there layer in an interview with the BBC told that it is the government who decide who can participate in the election. Even the UML also may not be given opportunity to participate in the election. Among the seven alliances also only Maoist and United Front have the qualification to participate in the election. Similarly the suprimo of Maoist also told the press once that the republican system followed by NC and UML and the republican system followed by the Maoist is quite different. They want to establish such a republican political system where all candidate of the Maoist can win the election of constituent assembly and make the constitution according to their own interest. This is what the consensus means for the Maoist .Thus Consensus in Nepalese politics has now become like a hat wear on by different size of head and a presser tactics to fulfill own interest and capture power in Nepalese politics.