The news published in a daily paper a week before that Tribhuwan university has now going to start a program in conflict management at master level has drawn the attention of the reader . The word Conflict management has now became very popular in Nepalese politics . Everybody who is interested in politics in Nepal talks about conflict management . Infact conflict has become the major problem of the country . The conflict facing by our country is different than other countries . The word conflict does not only related to politics . If it is so the political tormile may end in Nepal after some years and does not necessary to run a programme in the university .The conflict is now related not only in political terms but also is related to social and religious sector . The struggle in Nepalese society is prevailing for all religion who must have equal respect and all people irrespective of castes and creed , will have equal opportunities for the highest post of the country .Similarly there is a discrimination in the society .These discrimination in our developing society creates several types of conflict . Unless we settle these problem the country can not go ahead whether the conflict is political , social or religious .So it has to be managed by settlement . So the importance of conflict management is increasing in our society . Now we can hear many seminars and workshops organized on conflict management in Nepal . Many export from different part of the word are coming to participate in those seminars and workshops .Thus the influence of the international community is increasing day by day .The political conflict between the king and Maoist and between the king and seven political parties in spite of coming into some solution are standing in there own agenda .The conflict facing by the country is creating a lot of problem in the country . So the main priority of the country is to manage the conflict as soon as possible and establish peace in the country . But we can not see any sign to this direction . Unless we fell the importance of national unity through democratic process peace can not be established in the country . So all the major forces of the country has to realize it . How important is the national unity for the establishment of democracy and strengthen democratic system in the country is the example of National Reconciliation propounded by late B. P . Koirala in 16th push 2033 when he came to Nepal with another leader Ganesh Man Singh including other nc leader .B. P. Koirala left all his programme of arm revolution and inspite of living in India he came to Nepal having in mind that unless there is a unity among the nationalist and democratic forces of the country neither the country can be saved nor the country can solve its problem. The situation in Nepal at present is the same as it was when Late B. P. Karalla profounded the principle of National Reconciliation . At present everyone can imagine that the dependency of all political forces in the international community is increasing. The seven party alliance, the alliance between the seven political parties and Maoist also increases the conflicting situation in the country . This event shows If the movement doesn’t settle at the time of G.P. Karalla it will be a great loss to the democratic movement in Nepal .The increasing Red Flag in the Nepalese sky will not be tolerated by the international community .Nepali congress has to think over it again . Even within the seven party alliance of the on going movement ,the deliberation by the Uml leader against the restoration of parliament and resolution passed by the Democratic Congress critising the Nc leader G.P. Koirala in there National Convention is not in favor of alliance . Nc cadet has taken it very seriously . The Nc. cadet are now feeling that these activities of the alliance party have hurtled them . If there is no correction in there activities it will be great loss to Nepali Congress . Nepali Congress has to be very serious on this matter. This is how the country is facing the conflicting situation . Whatever may be the reason management of conflict in the current situation is most to establish peace in the country. Realization of the truth that people are the real victim of this situation all politician forces of the country has to work on it . This will be the only solution of the conflict management in Nepal. (The writer is the former minister and CWC Member of nepali congress) the Lower House was dissolved. At the time when the security situation in the country was not satisfactory and the government had to postpone even the local election, dissolving the House of Representatives was untimely and unwise done with ill-intention. The parties could not believe that the polls will be held in a peaceful and impartial manner. For this reason, the Congress central working committee decided that restoration of Parliament is necessary in view of the fact that holding of general elections were not possible under the present circumstances. Constitutionally, the October 4 royal step is in violation of the 1990 Constitution. All political parties were opposed to the royal step and were going to announce the struggle against the step. Then out of the blue came the announcement for a ceasefire between government and the Maoists. The Congress considers the “ceasefire” as a positive development. However, we are looking at it with extreme caution. We hope that the dialogue between the two sides should be transparent, successful and result-oriented. The dialogue should further enhance the sovereign rights of the people, safeguarding the achievements of the 1990 popular movement. As the Maoists have already renounced their demand for a republic, Parliament is the only constitutional way of fulfilling all their demands. We also believe that the present Constitution is capable of fulfilling all Maoist demands. The restoration of Parliament will immediately and fully activate the Constitution, thereby establishing a structure for the progressive political and constitutional reforms to the satisfaction of all of us. The ceasefire has made restoration of the House even more urgent. When two sides enter into an agreement, it has to be endorsed to give them a constitutional status. There being no constitutional body in the country, any such agreement is fraught with high risks. After addressing the rebels’ demands, the House can be dissolved, paving the way for polls. If the dialogue is the strategy for both the parties which believe there will be no meeting of minds, the restoration of Parliament may be irrelevant. If the State is ready to go for the constituent assembly or referendum, the Constitution does not permit this. The Nepalis don’t want the revival of absolute monarchy. All these provisions have to be made by amending the Constitution, which can only be done by Parliament. If the Maoists are ready to settle for the interim government and round-table conference, restoration of Parliament is necessary. If the Maoists are ready to change some articles after the elections, the same thing may be continued. The Nepali Congress wants every decision between government and the Maoists to be endorsed by Parliament. Since there is no constitutional institution to endorse the decision, what better would be than restore the dissolved Parliament? If needed, the Nepali Congress is ready to discuss this issue. Such a decision endorsed by Parliament will be acceptable to all major political forces in the country. Such an approach will be a victory for all of us, as it is closely associated with the interest of the entire nation. This approach, aimed at resolving the present crisis once and for all, is the best in the judgement of the Nepali Congress.